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Third Eye Chakra

Chakras are energy points located along and around the body and associate with our physical and spiritual Being. Focusing on the 7 main chakras, their location on our bodies determines their mental, physical, and spiritual affiliation in our lives.

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna in Sanskrit, is the 6th chakra and is located slightly above and between the eyebrows. This is the highest embodied chakra, which means that it is the highest and widest point on our physical bodies. When the third eye is aligned, we can clearly follow and understand our intuition, visualize our dreams and ideas, see the world in an optimistic view, and view life from a wise and high vibrational perspective.

Where is the Third Eye Chakra?

It is located above and between the eyebrows. Physically connected to the sinuses, eyes, and brain and spiritually connected to light and sixth sense. Expands vision and allows you to see things from different perspectives as it pertains to self and others. In Sanskrit, its name is Ajna, which means “to perceive” or “command.” The third eye chakra is the highest embodied chakra since the crown chakra is not physical, which means that it is the highest and wisest point to view things. This chakra is used to make sure you’re making all the right decisions. Think of it as a “second first mind” or “the mind of your highest self.”

Age Period

Said to expand between the ages of 36 and 42; this is the age period that humans are known to get wiser or have “mid-life crisis.” This is where the ida and Pingala meet, so there is no duality or masculine and feminine. It’s the embodied home of intuition, imagination, higher self, and dreams. The color is indigo.

How Foods Affect The Third Eye Chakra

Foods that are good to eat for this chakra are mind-altering foods and food that visually intrigue the eye. When eating, present the food to yourself in a way that is pleasing to the eye. Eat foods such as grapes, radishes, purple cabbage, dark chocolate, walnuts, eggs, coconut oil, prunes, raisins, and blackberries.

Crystals for the third eye or brow chakra are Azurite, labradorite, indigo kyanite, barite, blue iolite, purple charoite, and amethyst shungite lapis lazuli, and sapphire. Essential oils are juniper, clary sage, melissa, palmarosa, and frankincense.

How do you know if your third eye is imbalanced?

When it is imbalanced, you can't recall dreams, lack intuition and self-trust, eye problems, sinus issues, and are overly prone to altitude sickness. When it is overactive, you have nightmares, hallucinations, bipolar, migraines, dyslexia, eye or sinus problems, and insomnia. Visualizing is hard, disconnection from your higher self, the unfair judgment of others, inability to view other perspectives, weak intuition, hard to meditate, overly logical, stubbornness, and a negative view of the world.

Physically, the Third Eye is connected to the pineal gland, sinuses, and eyes. When there is a block or imbalance in a chakra, your physical and spiritual self is affected. This is one of the most important reasons why we should be intentional with our daily practices. Some of the physical symptoms and disorders that can come from a third eye blockage are:

  • Vision Problems

  • Hallucinations

  • Sleeping Disorders

  • Dyslexia

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Migraines

Spiritually, the Third Eye serves as our intuition. This is the chakra that we focus on when big decisions are about to be made or when we enter new relationships. When we make these decisions in our lives, there is usually a “small voice” or something in our minds telling us whether this is the right or wrong move to make. That voice is stemmed from our third eye chakra, and if you can clearly understand and follow the direction of this chakra, then that is a sign of balance and alignment. Other symptoms of alignment are:

  • Ability to have an OBE (out of body experience), Lucid Dream, or Astral Projection

  • Strong psychic abilities

  • Ability to clearly and easily envision the future

  • Fair judge of self and others

  • Ability to quickly reach a meditative state

  • Positive or high vibrational view of the world


When this chakra is aligned, you are intuitive, insightful, equanimous, wise, perceptive, psychic, visionary, and fair. We can clearly follow and understand our intuition, visualize our dreams and ideas, see the world in an optimistic view, and view life from a wise and high vibrational perspective.

To heal this chakra, meditate, do intuitive exercises, make vision boards, and practice lucid dreaming exercises. Child’s pose and downward dog with a block on the third eye are two good yoga poses.

If you feel that your Third Eye Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, here are a few practices that can help with alignment:

  • Meditate

  • Eat purple or indigo foods (grapes, blackberries, raisins, radishes, etc.)

  • Yoga (Child's pose and Downward dog with a block on the third eye)


  • Labradorite

  • Amethyst

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Kyanite

Essential Oils:

  • Clary Sage

  • Frankincense

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