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Happy Spring Equinox and Aries Season!

Here's How We can utilize this "New" energy:

1. Renewal & New Beginnings

Aries season and the Spring Equinox are supportive of all things 'new': new beginnings, goals, habits, gardens, etc. After the hibernation and observation of the shadow self during the winter, Spring welcomes us to shed the old as we welcome the new. The first step to welcoming the new is setting intentions. Let's get clear about what we desire and deserve. Without clear intentions, we have no direction of where we're headed.

If you're having trouble setting your intentions and desires, perhaps the clarity of a reading may help.

Tip: One way that we've decided to hold ourselves accountable for our new intentions is through a 30-day challenge. Choose one thing you'd like to shed and one thing you'd like to grow, preferably physical items or talents. For example, "I'm giving up scrolling on my phone. Instead, I'm spending more time in the garden for the next 30 days."

Let us know if you take on the challenge by sharing on your social media! Use #30daysofZEN.

2. Passion & Motivation

The element of Aries is fire, which also corresponds to the solar plexus. This energy embodies passion, motivation, willpower, confidence, and drive. Having this fiery, solar plexus energy around is highly supportive for manifestation, making Aries season one of the peak times of the year for manifestation. Utilize the momentum before it fades.

After setting those new intentions, it's time to visualize and put in the work. Visualization is a crucial tool in manifestation. You should feel your body tingle or fill with joy as you witness this version of yourself. We must see and feel the manifestation for ourselves to truly believe that we can receive it. Once you feel and know that your desires are within reach, it's time to take action. Be the person that this manifestation would naturally gravitate towards.

Tip: Write down what you see, feel, smell, touch, and hear when you visualize yourself living your goals. Make it vivid in your mind and on paper. Then, make it your reality. Ask yourself, "What's stopping me from becoming the person that I visualize?"

If there's nothing standing in your way, start the transformation NOW. Most of us will come to realize that we're our own obstacles. Don't let yourself be the reason you're not succeeding. Continue shedding the old self and put in the work to become the person you KNOW you deserve to be.

3. Authenticity & Self-discovery

Authenticity is about being true to yourself without filtering. If you have an Aries in your life, you're familiar with their lack of filter—they're among the top two of impulsive signs, and they don't settle for second place. By engaging in visualization and inner work to remove blocks, you'll uncover more about your authentic self, also known as your Higher Self—the true essence of who you are.

While you may wear a mask every day to fit in, your Higher Self observes and patiently waits for your return. After experiencing a return to self or 'self-discovery,' you'll never want to wear a mask again. There's a profound sense of freedom, peace, clarity, and confidence that comes with self-discovery, and once you've experienced it, you'll never want to be anything other than your Higher Self. In fact, you'll find yourself drawn to others who are also on a journey of self-discovery or who have already connected with their higher selves.

Tip: The most effective way to connect with your Higher Self is through a consistent meditation practice. Meditation, defined as "engaging in contemplation or reflection," offers a gateway to deep reflection and contemplation. Here are a few activities that facilitate such introspective moments:

  • Breathwork

  • Sitting in a comfortable seat in stillness

  • Walking in nature

  • Exercise

  • Yoga

  • Engaging in creative activities

Discover what form of meditation resonates with you and commit to practicing it daily. This consistent practice will create a space within yourself that fosters feelings of safety, freedom, and self-awareness. It's not just a journey of self-discovery but also an act of self-love. Through daily meditation, you'll unlock numerous possibilities that you never knew existed.

4. Bold & Courageous

It requires a great deal of courage to truly see oneself and consistently strive to embody the best version of who we are. The present moment is an opportunity to sow these seeds of self-improvement and to boldly assert our true identity. Undoubtedly, there will be tests along the way. Our shadow selves will continuously challenge our strength and resilience. It's important to acknowledge that we won't always succeed, and that's perfectly fine. What truly matters is recognizing when we're being tested and learning from our mistakes.

Tip: Despite the forward momentum we've built, challenges will inevitably arise. Here's how we can lessen their impact and emerge even bolder and more courageous:

  • Confront challenges head-on; avoid the temptation to shy away from them. Doing so only exacerbates the consequences or karmic impact. Show boldness and confidence, even in the face of mistakes. If you struggle to confront your challenges, try shadow work to address avoidance tendencies.

  • Transmute challenges. Often, we bring tests upon ourselves. Rather than blaming ourselves or assuming a victim mentality, offer yourself grace. Talk it out, journal, or create a video diary—engage in activities that allow you to express your feelings without judgment. This approach enables you to recognize and transform the challenge. To transmute means to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form.

  • Recycle the challenge. Don't let the experience go to waste. Once you've faced and transmuted it, take action. Share your experience with someone else or use it as inspiration to create something new. Consider channeling the energy into physical activities like exercise or cooking. The key is not to let the energy linger in your body—it must be released. So, dance, sing, create, write, and embrace the vulnerability and release that comes with letting go.

In embracing the energy of Aries season and the Spring Equinox, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. It takes courage to confront our challenges and show up authentically, but the rewards are magical. Through consistent meditation, facing challenges head-on, and transmuting them into opportunities for growth, we align ourselves with our Higher Selves and unlock our true potential. Let us remember that every test is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a chance to rise even stronger. As we continue on this journey, let us remain bold, courageous, and unwavering in our pursuit of self-awareness and fulfillment. Let's embrace the beauty of the present moment and manifest our highest aspirations. Here's to embracing our authenticity, facing our challenges with grace, and becoming the best versions of ourselves. The journey is ongoing, but the possibilities are endless. Let's step into our power and create the lives we truly deserve. #30daysofZEN

Love and Gratitude!

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